What Is the Right Sequence of a Standard University Essay?

University Essay
Whether you like it or not, there comes a time when you need to write an essay. You might think you know all the ifs and buts of an essay. Even if you are a natural writer, your hand will shake for a moment. It happens because writing an essay at the undergraduate level is a whole other ball game. Many students fail to structure a standard university essay. It doesn’t happen because of their potential but due to their credulity. They couldn’t understand the exact format of an essay and thus failed to grab good grades in class.

However, knowing where to start and structure can help students a lot. Today’s article is for students who don’t know about the exact sequence of essays. But before going into further details, let’s define the essay and throw some light on its importance. An essay is a piece of writing written to inform or convince someone about a topic. To achieve this goal, the writer must use a standard university format. Using the suitable format brightens the chance of success, and you may be able to get good grades. But all this comes through hard work and dedication towards learning. Before any further delay, let’s jump to the correct sequence as shared by a cheap essay writing service.

Right Sequence

Students must write their essays based on standard university essays. The detail of the components of the standard essay is as follows;


The first thing that comes in your essay is an introduction. An introduction must be an attention grabber. It introduces the reader about essay topic. It tells your reader what to expect from your essay. An introduction is the necessary background of your topic, which explains the topic to your reader. An introduction to an essay must comprise some points. A brief description of those points is as follows;

Hook sentence

Everyone wants readers to come to their essays by merely looking at the first sentence. This is what the hook sentence does. It draws the attention of the reader to your essay. It helps you get potential readers. The rest is up to the other parts of the essay. A perfect example of a hook sentence is as follows;

While travelling through the daily path of life, have you ever stumbled upon a hidden pocket of the universe?

Here the phrase “pocket of the universe” is attractive. Whenever the reader reads this sentence, he will surely open your essay to read.

Summary of your topic

As the opening sentence is a hook, the opening paragraph is the summary. The opening paragraph of a standard university essay should explain the essay’s overall theme. A summary is also called background information. This information is necessary in order to make the reader understand the basics of the topic. The information here will be purely related to your argument.

Thesis statement

Next comes the thesis statement of your essay. A thesis statement concisely states the main idea of the essay. You can also say it is the concept paper of the whole essay. It works as the roadmap for the entire essay. It tells readers what you are going to explain in the upcoming paragraphs.

The debate over the use of performance-enhancing substances among athletes is getting complicated. The development of biotechnologies such as gene therapy has raised this question. The easy availability of this technology is becoming problematic with each passing day.

Thesis statement
Sports competition is, of course, about winning. Every athlete in the competition comes on the field with the desire of winning. Athletes who use any kind of technology to boost their performance must be banned.

The above two paragraphs are the perfect examples of an introduction.

Body Paragraphs

The introduction is now over after describing the problem or topic. The following section in the standard university essay is the body. The body contains the paragraphs on the evidence of the subject. The body paragraphs support the main points of your topic. You provide an explanation of the claim you made in the introduction. As you know, there are four different types of essays, the body depends on those.

Argumentative essays will explain the arguments made in support of the topic. In personal essays, this section explains the author’s real life experiences. Students can structure their bodies based on the PEEL framework. A brief description of PEEL is as below;
You might have heard a lot about the acronym PEEL. It’s a widely used framework to structure the body paragraphs of a standard university essay.
  • P = Point: The first letter represents a point. It means that always start your paragraph with a clear topic sentence. It should be a sentence that establishes what you will say in the upcoming sentences.
  • E = Evidence: Here, you should support your argument or statement with evidence or an example. It helps the reader reconfirm what you are saying with facts and figures.
  • E = Explain: Next, you need to explain how the example relates to your topic. You will explain all the relationships.
  • L = Link: After doing everything mentioned above, you need to finish the paragraph. To finish things off nicely, link your end line with the thesis statement.


The last section of a standard university essay is the conclusion. It would help if you wrapped up the things nicely and effectively. You can restate the thesis statement word to word. It will serve the purpose of reminding the topic to the reader. It is necessary because the readers forget about the main topic most of the time after reading the whole essay. It is also not advisable to explain everything. Leave something for the reader to take away and think about. In simple words, a conclusion brings all the points of the essay together.
The points mentioned above are the actual sequence of a standard university essay. All you need to do is follow them and structure your essay this way. Indeed, you will get good grades.

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